A Facebook page shared a video on Sunday of a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) youth leader claiming normalcy in Kashmir without mentioning his party affiliation.
The video posted by the page 'Presstitutes' has been shared with a caption: "Reality of Kashmir from a Kashmiri men...This exposes Rahul Gandhi."
The post was shared over 600 times at the time of writing the fact-check.
The 1 minute 54 second clip is a selfie video where a man states that Kashmir is largely peaceful with schools, colleges and government offices open and that no curfew of any type has been imposed on the valley.
The man also says the Indian Army has started free medical camps in Kashmir offering free check-ups and free medicines and that Kashmiri youth are fully supporting the army.
He also states a disinformation campaign has been launched against the Indian Army by Pakistan and urges people not to believe fake videos and tweets.
Click here to view an archived version of the post.
One of the comments on the post stated that the man in the video was Aquib Mir, a BJP worker.
Facebook comment on the post
Aquib Mir's Twitter account and Facebook profile states he works with the Bharatiya Janata Party.
A search for Mir shows a 2018 article by the website State Observer.
The same video was tweeted by Mir on August 23, 2019 and is currently the pinned tweet on his profile. Mir did not misrepresent himself in the tweet.
Everything is going fine in Kashmir . Schools market and govt offices r open .Army is providing free medicine and checkup in whole valley . So don’t trust fake tweets and news of anti National’s. Retweet this more and more so that anti nationals will see this . @amritabhinder . pic.twitter.com/IfiTYodPti
— AQUIB MIR. 🇮🇳 (@AQUIBMIR7) August 23, 2019
August 26, 2019 will be 21 days since the Indian government's shock decision to change the status of Jammu & Kashmir. News reports over the weekend said landlines were being restored however, internet services still remain suspended in most parts of the region. Several sporadic protests have also taken place particularly in Srinagar's Soura region.
While educational institutions and government offices have reopened, classrooms wear a deserted look as wary parents have not sent their children back to school.
While internet services remain suspended in Kashmir, images and videos of protest being shared online have often been old. BOOM has debunked various pieces of misinformation surrounding the same.
ALSO READ: I Spent Nine Days In Kashmir Fact-Checking The Government’s Claims Of Normalcy