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Cropped Video Of Delhi's Republic Day Tableau Viral With Communal Spin

The tableau featured sounds of prayers from different religions and had also displayed religious structures like temple, church, mosque and gurudwara.

By - Anmol Alphonso | 26 Jan 2021 1:18 PM GMT

A cropped clip of Delhi's Republic Day tableau showing a replica of the Red Fort along with the sound of the Azaan - an Islamic call to prayer is being shared with the communal spin that the union territory highlighted only one religion.

In the 11 seconds viral clip, the tableau can be seen introduced with the call to Azaan being played in the background. However, on viewing the Republic Day parade we found that soon after that the sound of prayers from other places of worship was also played.

The cropped video is being shared in the backdrop of Republic Day Parade where states and union territories that are selected display their tableau that represents a historical event, heritage, culture, development programmes or environment.

The viral clip was quote tweeted by Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut with the caption, "Delhi is not secular nor tolerant, it's been made clear with its very in your face Tableau, it is only of Badshah.... well in that case time to claim it, Jai Hind"

 The same clip was also being shared with the caption taking a swipe at the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal with the caption, "Delhi's Tableau Played Azaan At Rajpath, Kejriwal Showed What He Stand For #HappyRepublicDay2021"

Viral on Facebook

On searching on Facebook, we found that the clip is being shared with the false claim.

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On viewing the live broadcast of the Republic Day Parade, we found that the edited clip had been cropped just before sound of prayers from other places of worship were also played along with the Azaan. 

One can view that after 58.50 where we can hear the Azaan followed by sounds of other prayers from other religions like church bells ringing and we can also see on the tableau - a mosque, church, temple and gurudwara on the float.

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side view of Delhi's tableau

Delhi's tableau showcased the Shahjahanabad redevelopment plan at the Republic Day celebrations at Rajpath which featured ongoing redevelopment of Chandni Chowk in Shahjahanabad.

"The tableau itself will seek to send a message of religious and cultural harmony – portraying the pedestrianised route along two temples, a gurdwara, a church and a mosque located along the 1.3 km to 1.5 km-long-route being redeveloped in Chandni Chowk – but there is another message," reported The Hindu on January 5, 2021, quoting a government official on Delhi's tableau.

The tableau also displayed the hustle-bustle of the market street enlivened with cycles, rickshaws, shoppers etc, interspersed with the sound of prayers from diverse places of worship reported ANI.

ANI report

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