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Fact Check

Video Of ABP News Exit Poll Predicting INDIA Alliance Win Is Altered

BOOM found that the graphics in the viral video have been altered to falsely claim that ABP News has predicted a win for the I.N.D.I.A alliance.

By - Anmol Alphonso | 3 Jun 2024 10:58 AM GMT

A video purporting to show ABP News anchor Sandeep Chaudhary predicting a thumping victory for the I.N.D.I.A. alliance while announcing exit poll figures for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, is altered and fake.

BOOM found that the news graphics in the viral video have been doctored to support the false claim. In the original broadcast, ABP News predicted that the BJP-led NDA alliance would sweep back to power.

The results for the Lok Sabha 2024 elections are set to be declared on June 4, 2024.

In the video, Chaudhary can be heard saying, "I.N.D.I.A alliance will get 353 - 383 seats".

The viral clip is being shared on X with a caption that claims, "The most popular channel in the country whose #ExitPoll says this, Total Lok Sabha seats - 543, INDIA - 353 to 383 seats, NDA - 152 to 182 seats. Sandeep Chaudhary Sir brings the "Janta Ka Exit" poll in front of Modi poll."

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BOOM found that video has been heavily altered using fake graphics to make the false claim that ABP News has predicted a victory for the I.N.D.I.A alliance.

In the original ABP News broadcast from June 2, 2024, Chaudhary predicted that according to ABP News's exit poll, the NDA would retain power with an overwhelming majority.

The news graphic numbers are also different from those in the viral video, predicting the NDA winning 353 to 383 seats and the I.N.D.I.A alliance winning 152 to 182 seats.

However, in an apparent slip of tongue, we can even hear Chaudhary using similar words as in the viral video, saying I.N.D.I.A would get 353 to 383 seats instead of saying NDA.

Chaudhary can be heard saying in the broadcast at the 18 seconds timestamp, "I.N.D.I.A alliance seems to be getting 353-383 seats. This is an exit poll, not an exact poll. But a trend is visible and the claims about which many people were saying that it will cross 400, this is just a figure given to encourage the workers, to fill them with enthusiasm. NDA alliance is also seen going very close to that figure".

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The viral clip also contains a watermark of Picsart - an online photo and video editing website, suggesting the news graphics with the fake graphics were edited using this tool.

A comparison of the news graphics in the viral video and in the original video show that the exit poll numbers have been altered to make the false claim.

ABP News took to X to debunk the video.  The text of the post in Hindi said, "This video going viral on social media is AI generated and fake. Avoid such fake and misleading information being circulated on social media."

(Editor's note: A previous version of the article incorrectly said the audio was AI generated.)