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Fact Check

Claim Of Nationwide “Free Travel Scheme” For Women By Police Is Misleading

The only pan-India women’s helpline numbers are 1091, 100, and 112, and are operated by state police control rooms.

By - Nidhi Jacob | 30 Aug 2024 9:57 AM GMT

A viral social media post and WhatsApp forward falsely claim that police have launched a nationwide 'free travel scheme' for women between 10 pm and 6 am, citing helpline numbers 1091 and 7837018555.

However, BOOM found that this claim is misleading. The only pan-India women’s helpline numbers are 1091, 100, and 112, operated by state police control rooms. The number provided in the viral claim (7837018555) is associated with a “free ride” facility launched exclusively by the Ludhiana police in Punjab, not a nationwide service.

We also noticed that a claim with the same helpline numbers (1091 and 7837018555) was doing the rounds in 2019, claiming that Kolkata Police had introduced a ‘free ride’ scheme for women travelling late at night.

But the Kolkata police has dismissed the claim and clarified that no such specific scheme had been launched and that the viral posts were false.


BOOM found the claim to be misleading, as there is no evidence of a nationwide scheme providing free pickups and drops for women at night by the police.

Additionally, on X, the Bengaluru and Hyderabad police posted statements dismissing the claim.

“We've seen #misleading information spreading on social media about a "free ride service" being offered by @hydcitypolice,This is not correct. Always verify the facts with trusted sources before sharing. Spreading false information can cause unnecessary panic & confusion,” the Hyderabad police clarified.

Similarly, the Bengaluru police also called out the viral post as fake and advised the public to call 112 in case of an emergency.

In 2019, following the gang rape and murder of a veterinarian in Hyderabad, the Ludhiana police launched a “free ride” scheme to ensure the safety of women between 10 pm and 6 am, using the same numbers mentioned in the viral claim.

However, when BOOM attempted to reach the provided number multiple times, it was consistently busy.

Similarly, in 2019, the Nagpur city police announced a "home-drop facility" for women between 9 pm and 5 am, available free of cost.

BOOM contacted the provided number (07122561103), and a police official confirmed that the scheme is active within Nagpur city limits. He said that women in Nagpur can call 100, 1091, or 07122561103 for assistance.

As per our inquiry, the only pan-India women’s helpline number is 1091, 112 and 100, operated by the state police control rooms. These helplines function round-the-clock, directing any woman in distress to the Women’s Safety Wing of the respective state, which then coordinates with the local police for assistance.

The National Commission for Women provides a list of helpline numbers of non-profit organisations working for women's welfare.
