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Fact Check

False Claim Of Trump Dozing Off At Republican Convention Peddled On X

BOOM found that Donald Trump was bowing his head in prayer along with others present at the Republican National Convention.

By - Anmol Alphonso | 17 July 2024 9:32 AM GMT

A video of former United States President Donald Trump bowing his head in prayer with his eyes closed during the ongoing Republican National Convention is being shared with a false claim that he dozed off on camera.

The 2024 Republican National Convention is being held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15 to July 18. Party delegates of the Republican party have formally selected Trump and JD Vance as the party's nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election. Two days after an attempt to assassinate him, Trump appeared with a dressing on his right ear at the RNC convention on the first day where he was greeted by the crowd chanting “fight”. Trump is slated to address the convention on the last day - July 18.

The viral video was posted on X by the handle Gabe Sanchez (@iamgabesanchez) with the caption, "Trump fell asleep at the RNC, On the first night, He just got there."

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Indian news channel Times Now also misreported the viral video, and published an article with the headline, "Donald Trump Caught Sleeping At RNC 2024? Video Sparks Hilarious Reactions"

The excerpt of the article read, "Donald Trump was apparently caught sleeping at the Republican National Convention on Monday. Several social media users posted videos of the former president 'dozing off' as his party colleagues cheered for him and his newly announced running mate JD Vance. Neither the presumptive Republican nominee nor his team have reacted to the viral clip."

Click here to view an archive of the article.

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BOOM found that Donald Trump was not dozing off in the viral video as is being claimed on social media. Trump was praying along with Republican party members present at the RNC convention during prayers led by Pastor James Roemke.

We checked the live feed of the RNC convention on Associated Press's YouTube channel on July 15, 2024. Trump along with the attendees at the RNC had closed their eyes in prayer during the event.

In addition to Trump and his VP running mate JD Vance, the footage also showed others who had shut their eyes and bowed their heads during the sermon.

The viral video has cropped out this part leaving out the context to make the false claim that Trump had fallen asleep.

This can be seen below from the 8.49.38 minutes timestamp, where Pastor Roemke says "let's pray", after which many in the audience can be seen closing their eyes.

Full View

A side angle shot of others praying along with Trump at the RNC can be seen below.