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Fact Check

Video Of Gautam Adani Promoting Investment Opportunity Is An AI Edited Fake

BOOM found the visuals of Gautam Adani were taken from a video uploaded by the Adani Group in 2023 and overlaid with a fake audio generated using AI.

By -  Srijanee Chakraborty |

27 Sept 2024 8:41 AM GMT

A video of Gautam Adani, founder and chairman of the Adani Group, promoting an investment opportunity and urging people to invest in it has been altered and overlaid with a fake audio generated through an artificial intelligence (AI) voice clone.

BOOM found that the video is a deepfake and the original visuals are from Adani's address to investors after the withdrawal of the fully subscribed Adani Enterprises Ltd (AEL) Follow-on Public Offer (FPO). The visuals have been overlaid with a fake audio created using AI voice cloning.

The scam video was posted by a Facebook user.

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See archive here.

Fact Check

BOOM found the video has been doctored with an AI voice clone of Gautam Adani. In the video, the voice clone of the industrialist can be heard identifying himself as Manmohan Singh at the time stamp of 1.07 minutes. 

We also found that the visuals are from a 2023 video of Gautam Adani addressing the investors after withdrawal of the fully subscribed Adani Enterprises FPO roiled by allegations levelled by short seller Hindenburg Research. 

We ran a reverse image search on one of the keyframes of the viral video which led us to Adani's address to the investors from their official YouTube channel that was uploaded on February 2, 2023. 

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See video here.

Moreover Adani's voice and lip movements are out of sync in the viral video. BOOM tested the audio of the viral clip using the Hiya AI Voice Detection tool.

The obtained results showed that the viral clip contains audio generated using artificial intelligence.
