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Fact Check

No, This Is Not A Photo Of Rahul Gandhi With Manmohan Singh's Daughter Amrit Singh

BOOM found that in the photo, Gandhi was accompanied by his childhood friend and Congress leader Amitabh Dubey, as well as Dubey's wife, Amulya Gopalakrishnan.

By -  Anmol Alphonso |

9 Sep 2024 11:43 AM GMT

An old photo of Rahul Gandhi traveling with his childhood friend and Congress leader Amitabh Dubey and the latter's wife, journalist Amulya Gopalakrishnan, is being falsely shared with the claim that Gandhi was seen with former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's daughter, Amrit Singh.

In the viral photo, which appears to be outside an airport, individuals are seen with luggage, including trolley bags. A man with a backpack is seen with his back to the camera, and a woman holding her bags is looking sideways, with Rahul Gandhi seen standing in the corner.

Photo of Gandhi spotted with Amrit Singh?

The photo was posted by X user Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, who alleged that Gandhi was photographed with Amrit Singh, who previously worked with George Soros backed Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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BOOM found that the viral photo dates back to 2023 when Rahul Gandhi was traveling along with Congress leader Amitabh Dubey and Dubey's wife, Amulya Gopalakrishnan.

Woman in viral photo is Amulya Gopalakrishnan

Supriya Shrinate, Congress's Social media chairperson dismissed the viral claim and posted two photos from the same location stating that the woman in the viral photo is Amulya Gopalakrishnan, with her husband Amitabh Dubey who were travelling with Gandhi. 

Shrinate had dismissed the same claim back in October 2023.

Who is Amulya's Gopalakrishnan?

Taking a hint from this, we then searched with Amulya Gopalakrishnan's name and found several pieces written by her published in The Indian Express, Times Of India and The Economic Times.

Gopalakrishan, a journalist by profession, married Dubey in 2011. We also found a TOI news report of Gandhi attending their wedding back in January 2011.

Who is Amitabh Dubey?

Dubey is a childhood friend of Gandhi and a part of the party's communication department. He was a member of the Congress's 2024 manifesto committee. Dubey is the son of Suman Dubey, a long-term Gandhi family associate and member of the board of trustees of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation.

Click here to view Dubey's X handle bio.

Amrit Singh and Open Society Justice initiative

Manmohan Sigh's daughter, Amrit Singh, worked in the Accountability Division at the Open Society Justice Initiative, where she led projects on various rule of law and human rights issues, according to her profile on Stanford Law School's website. The inset photo of Singh, in the claim, has been taken from here.