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Fact Check

Video Of Sudha Murty Promoting Investing App Is An AI Voice Clone

BOOM found that the video taken from Sudha Murty's speech in Moneycontrol's Startup Conclave held in July, 2023 has been overlaid with a fake audio generated using AI.

By -  Srijanee Chakraborty |

24 Sep 2024 10:11 AM GMT

A video clip of Sudha Murty, author and Rajya Sabha MP, speaking at an event where it appears she is promoting an investing app and urging others to invest using the app, is doctored and has been made using an artificial intelligence voice clone. 

BOOM found that the video is from a speech Murty made at a conclave in July, 2023. Murty, who is also chairperson of the non-profit Infosys Foundation, was originally talking about her experience of being a wife to an entrepreneur. The video clip has been overlaid with a fake audio generated using AI. 

Her husband and Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy can be seen seated beside her in the video. 

In the viral video, Murty appears to be saying, "Our secret is an autonomous computing mechanism that works on any device with an internet connection. To become part of our program, you just need to open an account with just 21000 rupees."  

The nearly three-minutes long video was posted by a Facebook page.

See post here, click here for an archive.

Fact Check

BOOM found that the video has been doctored with an AI voice clone of Sudha Murty. The visuals are taken from Murty's speech at Moneycontrol's startup conclave held in July, 2023.  

We, at first, ran a reverse image search on a keyframe of the viral video. The search led us to a video uploaded a year ago on Moneycontrol's official YouTube channe on July 7, 2023.  

Sudha Murty spoke of her experience of juggling multiple roles including being a wife to an entrepreneur husband. 

Full View

See here.

BOOM watched her speech and did not find any mention of any app. 

As the voice in the viral video was not in sync with Murty's lip movements, we tested the audio of the clip using Loccus AI - a synthetic audio detection tool. 

The results obtained showed that the audio has been generated using artificial intelligence.