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Fact Check

No, PM Modi Did Not Refuse US President Biden's Handshake At G7 Summit

BOOM found that the man walking alongside Modi in the viral video is not US President Joe Biden.

By - Anmol Alphonso | 18 Jun 2024 9:45 AM GMT

A video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi being escorted by an unidentified man at the recently held G7 summit in Italy is being falsely shared with the claim that it shows Modi refusing to shake hands with United States President Joe Biden.

The G7 summit was held in Italy's Apulia region from June 13, to June 15, 2024 with India invited as an 'Outreach Country.' The summit included participation from the seven member countries—the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, and France—as well as the European Union.

The eight seconds video was posted on X with the caption which claimed, "Modi ji did not shake hands with Joe Biden. Showed America its place. The consequences of interfering in our elections. I will show my worth to the world!!"

(In Hindi - जो बाईडेन से हाथ न मिलाकर मोदी जी ने. अमेरिका को उसकी औकात दिखा दी. हमारे चुनावों में दखलअंदाजी का नतीज़ा. औकात दिखा देंगे दुनिया के सामने !!)

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BOOM found that the man in the viral video is not US President Joe Biden escorting Prime Minister Narendra Modi as being claimed. We checked the live stream from the G7 Italy 2024 event and found that the man seen along with Modi was seen escorting several other international leaders from other countries.

We watched the original live stream uploaded on June 14, 2024 on 'G7 Itlay 2024' YouTube channel, and at the 21.07 minutes timestamp the same man in the viral video can be seen escorting Modi.

In this clear version of the video, we can see that the man in the video escorting Modi is not Biden. Also, the viral video has been blurred to make the false claim.

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Additionally, viewing the live stream from the previous day, with the title "Arrivals of the G7 Heads of Delegation - G7 Summit", we can see the same man escorting several other world leaders including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, President of the European Commission Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.


While escorting world leaders, the unidentified man escorts them to the podium where Italian PM Meloni was standing, he makes the same gesture guiding them to the stage and does not shake hands with them.

Additionally, we can also see him walking with Biden too, which establishes that they are different individuals and not the same person.

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