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Fact Check

Pro-Palestinian Protest In Qatar Falsely Shared As Kerala's Wayanad

BOOM found that the viral clip is from Doha, Qatar from a pro-Palestinian protest held on May 15, 2021.

By - Anmol Alphonso | 21 May 2021 10:44 AM GMT

A clip from a Pro-Palestinian protest in Doha, Qatar on May 15, 2021, showing protesters shouting slogans in Malayalam is being shared with the false claim that it is from Wayanad, Kerala.

In the 30 seconds clip, protesters can be seen sloganeering in Malayalam and holding placards reading 'Free Palestine', and "RIP lsrael'.  

The clip is being shared in the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which escalated after several Palestinians were injured after the Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque and dispersed worshippers elsewhere in East Jerusalem. This led to an escalation of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians as the conflict intensified on May 11, 2021, night, as Israeli airstrikes began targeting Hamas offices in Gaza City and militants in Gaza fired rockets at the metropolis of Tel Aviv, the southern city of Ashkelon and Israel's main airport.

The viral clip is being shared with the caption, "This is not Gaza or Baghdad or Tehran. These pro Hamas jehadis supporting Palestine are in Kerala's Waynad, Rahul Gandhi's constituency. This is virtually a pro Hamas branch in India."

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Viral on Twitter

On searching on Twitter with the same caption, we found that the viral clip is being shared with the false claim.

Also Read: Old Video From Iraq Viral As Israeli Forces Capturing Al Aqsa Mosque


BOOM found that the viral clip is from a mass demonstration that was held in Doha, Qatar, where people from different nationalities gathered near the Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque square to express solidarity with Palestine.

On taking a hint from the structure in the background and performing a search with relevant keywords we found that news reports on the protest indicating it is from Doha, Qatar.

Protesters had gathered in Qatar's capital Doha, and in the main square of the Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque on May 15, 2021, protesting against Israel and calling for an end to Israeli airstrikes against Gaza and the eviction of Palestinian families from East Jerusalem. 

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We also found a longer version of the same clip (1 minute 43 seconds) uploaded on Facebook on May 17, 2021, with the caption stating that it shows Keralite Muslims supporting Palestine and taking out a procession at the mosque in Qatar.

In the longer clip, we can see the same visuals and slogans being chanted in Malyalayam as in the viral video. 

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On comparing the tower seen in the viral clip with the structure of the Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque in Doha where the protest was held, we found that both locations match. 

 Also Read: Video Game Visuals Shared As Israel's Air Defence System Footage