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Fact Check

Photos Of Ganesha Idol In Police Van Peddled With Misleading Claim

Bengaluru Central DCP told BOOM that Hindu organisations were protesting with a Ganesha idol, which the police confiscated and placed in a van, the idol was later immersed as per rituals.

By -  Jagriti Trisha |

16 Sep 2024 11:14 AM GMT

A set of images of a Ganesha idol inside a police van is viral online with a false claim that the police detained the idol and prevented Hindus from celebrating Ganesh festival in Congress-ruled Karnataka.

BOOM found that the claim is false. The photo is from a protest in Bengaluru against Mandya violence on September 13, where Hindu organisations brought a Ganesha idol. As protests were prohibited, the police arrested the protesters and placed the idol in a police van.

On September 11, communal violence erupted during a Ganesh Chaturthi procession in Nagamangala, Mandya, Karnataka, leading to 55 arrests. Since then, related images and videos have gone viral on social media. The BJP has been targeting the Congress government in Karnataka over the incident.

The viral collage contains three images: the first two show police carrying a Ganesha idol, while the third shows the idol inside a police van.

A Facebook user shared the collage, criticising the Congress government, and wrote in Hindi, "The Karnataka police arrested the idol of Lord Ganesha... Ganesh puja disrupts religious harmony. Well done, Hindus... your puja is banned. Go ahead, elect Congress again—soon you won’t need to worship at all."

(Original Text in Hindi: कर्नाटक पुलिस ने गणेश भगवान की मूर्ति को गिरफ्तार किया...गणेश पूजन से धार्मिक सद्भावना बिगड़ती है. शाबाश हिंदुओं... तुम्हारे पूजन पर तो रोक लग गई, कसम से एक बार और चुन लेना कांग्रेस तुम्हारी नस्ल का क्या होगा फिर पूजन की जरूरत ही न पड़ेगी.)

Click here to view an archive of the post. 

The collage was also sent to BOOM's helpline number (+917700906588) for verification, accompanied by communal claims alleging that the Karnataka police had arrested a Ganesha idol.

Fact Check: Bengaluru Police Did Not Ban Ganesh Puja

After searching keywords related to the image, we found multiple media reports featuring the viral pictures. According to The Times of India report, the incident occurred on September 13. A group was protesting near Bengaluru Town Hall, demanding an inquiry into the Mandya communal violence, despite not having permission to protest at that location. As protests in Bengaluru are only allowed in Freedom Park police arrived to detain the protesters, one of whom was holding a Ganesha idol. The police took the idol and placed it in an empty van, which drew media attention.

The Times of India also reported that the police soon transported the idol in a jeep.

A Deccan Herald report stated that around 40 protesters attempting to demonstrate in front of the Town Hall were taken into preventive custody.

Images of the protesters and the Ganesha idol inside the police van then went viral, sparking outrage over alleged disrespect to Lord Ganesha. BJP leaders, including Karnataka BJP president Vijayendra Yeddyurappa, MP Tejasvi Surya, and Smriti Irani, sharply criticised the incident, calling it a failure of the Congress government.

Bengaluru Central DCP: Lord Ganesha's Idol Was Immersed According to Rituals

Bengaluru Central DCP Shekhar H. Tekkannavar confirmed the details to BOOM, stating that the incident took place on September 13, 2024. "Hindu organizations protested at Town Hall, Bengaluru, in violation of a Karnataka High Court order restricting protests at Freedom Park, related to the Nagamangala Ganesh procession incident. Some protesters were carrying a Ganesh idol, causing public nuisance."

The police detained the protesters and later immersed the Ganesh idol following religious rituals and formalities. DCP Shekhar also provided pictures of the idol's immersion to BOOM.

How Communal Violence Erupted in Mandya

According to AajTak, the Ganesh Chaturthi procession in Nagamangala, Mandya, Karnataka, was halted for an extended period in front of a mosque, leading to tensions between the two groups. Reports suggest that members of the Muslim community threw stones at the procession.

The police intervened to control the situation, using lathi charge to disperse the crowd. Following this, protesters gathered outside the police station, and fires were set to bikes and roadside shops.