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Morphed Billboard Photo Falsely Targets Arvind Kejriwal On Freebies

BOOM found that the original billboard does not mention Arvind Kejriwal.

By - Srijit Das | 24 Feb 2022 7:12 AM GMT

A photo of a billboard from Alabama, USA asking people to thank taxpayers has been edited to add Arvind Kejirwal's name to it and make the false claim that it says, people should not thank him if they get anything free. 

The edited billboard reads, "Nothing in this country is free. If you are getting something without paying for it, thank a taxpayer. Not to Kejriwal" and was shared by Bollywood actor and former Bharatiya Janata Party MP Paresh Rawal. Rawal has been fact checked in the past by BOOM for sharing misinformation.

The fake billboard is viral as voting is underway in five states - Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur are currently.

Click here to view an archive of the post. 

The photo is being shared on Facebook with a caption saying, "Such a brilliant hoarding!! Respect tax payers!!"

Click here to view the post. 

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Fact Check 

BOOM did a reverse image search on the internet and found the original photo on a tweet published on June 5, 2015. We couldn't find any political party or leader's name written on the original billboard's image. 

The photo also carried a caption saying "ACTUAL BILLBOARD IN SOUTH ALABAMA" below the billboard's image.

Click here to view an archive version of the tweet. 

The comparison between the viral picture and the original billboard's image can be seen below. 


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