A viral video on social media shows Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Saurabh Bharadwaj on stage, asking iOS assistant Siri to answer a question on who promised to clean the Yamuna River in five years, to which Siri answers with the name of AAP supremo, "Arvind Kejriwal."
This video is being shared as an instance of AAP being called out by Siri on AAP's supposed lack of action over the pollution of Yamuna River.
BOOM found that the viral video is edited to misrepresent the original context. In the original, Bharadwaj is seen asking Siri "who first used the term "guarantee" in Indian politics," to which the digital assistant responds with "Aam Aadmi Party."
Ahead of the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi, the opposition parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has intensified its attacks on its incumbent Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, as he pushed back the Yamuna cleaning deadline to 2025, if re-elected. Kejriwal also recently alleged that the BJP government in Haryana mixes "poison" in the Yamuna water supplied to Delhi. In response to Kejriwal's claim, Haryana minister Vipul Goel stated that the state government would file a case against the AAP supremo, while the Election Commission sent a letter to Kejriwal, seeking proof of his allegations.
In the 38-second-long viral video, Bharadwaj can be heard saying that he asked Siri who used the phrase "Will clean Yamuna in five years (Yamuna 5 saal me saaf kar denge)." He then plays a recording, purportedly a response from Siri using ChatGPT, stating that it was his party leader, Arvind Kejriwal, who said the same in 2015. This is presented as an embarrassing moment for Bharadwaj and his party.
BJP's national spokesperson, Pradeep Bhandari, shared the video with the caption, "Siri has exposed AAP Da!"
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Fact Check
BOOM was able to find the original segment of the alleged conversation between Saurabh Bharadwaj and iOS’ Siri, which was streamed live from Aam Aadmi Party's official YouTube channel on January 27, 2025.
While launching the party's manifesto for the upcoming Delhi assembly election, AAP leader Bharadwaj claimed that on his way to the event, he asked Siri who first used the term "guarantee" in Indian politics. He then claimed that Siri responded, using OpenAI's artificial intelligence program ChatGPT, that it was his party leader, Arvind Kejriwal.
Starting at the 1:42-minute mark in the video, Bharadwaj can be heard playing an audio recording on stage, where a male voice asks, "Who used the word 'guarantee' in Indian politics for the first time? Please use ChatGPT while you answer."
A female voice can then be heard responding to the question, saying, “The term ‘guarantee’ was first prominently used in Indian politics by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) during the 2020 Delhi assembly elections. Journalist Rajdeep Sardesai noted that AAP’s use of ‘guarantee’ in their campaign was a pioneering move, which was later adopted by other parties in subsequent elections.”
Bharadwaj played the same response from the female voice once again for the audience, emphasising it as a verified fact by referring to ChatGPT. He then criticised opposition parties, claiming that several political parties in India had stolen the word "guarantee" from AAP, just as they had with other schemes.
There was no mention of the "Yamuna cleaning project", which established that the viral video has been edited to include the part about the embarrassing response on "Yamuna cleaning."