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Video Of Clashes At Bangladesh Varsity Peddled As Hindu Woman Gang-Raped

BOOM found that the video is from a Live footage of Jahangirnagar University where students clashed with Chhatra League members.

By - Swasti Chatterjee | 14 Aug 2024 11:34 AM GMT

A video of a clash between Bangladesh's anti-quota protesters and members of the Chhatra League, the student wing of Awami League, in Jahangirnagar University has surfaced with false claims that it shows a Hindu woman being gang-raped by "an Islamic mob"amid the ongoing unrest in the country. 

The video with dark and blurry visuals and an overlaid audio of a song is circulating with a caption that alleges a Hindu woman was gang-raped by a mob in Bangladesh and that the assault was live streamed on Facebook. 

While BOOM found that the video is part of a footage streamed Live on Facebook, it does not show sexual assault.

The video contains triggering visuals. 

Bangladesh descended into chaos and lawlessness after Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country on August 5, 2024 following the anti-quota reforms protest that saw scores of death of students. Soon after there were reports of violence including attack on members of the previous Awami League regime, Hindu minorities, looting and vandalism.

Fact Check

Multiple users in replies to X posts stated that the video is from Jahangirnagar University and does not show the rape of a woman.

We reached out to a Jahangirnagar University student representative, who confirmed that the video is from the varsity and was shot by one of the students.

We also found the LIVE video from July 16, 2024 by one Syeda Anannya Faria; the visuals of the video match the viral X videos.

We reached out to Faria, who confirmed to us that the video was shot Live on July 16 around 1.18 am. Faria told BOOM, "Yes this is my video, but the caption is totally false. Some students of Jahangirnagar University had gathered in front of the Vice Chancellor's residence for a peaceful protest. Later in the evening, the Chhatra League cadres attacked our rally and beat us brutally. That is when we went to the VC and asked for justice." Faria further told BOOM that the VC did not respond to the students' demands. She added, "Suddenly the cadres attacked us again with petrol bomb, glass bottles and brick bats. Soon, a number of students got injured and we all panicked that they will brutally kill us in no time. As the VC had locked his door, we cried for help. Then some of us went LIVE and asked for help from other students to come and save us."

Faria also shared two other LIVE videos from the same night which showed violent clashes between the members of Chhatra League and the students of the university. 

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In another Facebook post, she urged authorities to send the police.

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According to a report by The Daily Star from July 16, protesting students clashed with Chhatra League students at Jahangirnagar University. An excerpt reads, "The students alleged that more than 150 BCL leaders and activists, including outsiders, attacked the sit-in. At least two petrol bombs were hurled at that time, they added. At one stage, the protesters took shelter inside the VC's residence. At that time, BCL leaders and activists threw brickbats at them."