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Fact Check

Edited Picture Viral Claiming Narendra Modi Dressed In Woman's Wear

BOOM found that the comparison image is digitally altered to make it look similar to the tribal attire wore by PM Modi.

By - Srijit Das | 22 Dec 2022 10:20 AM GMT

A picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi dressed in a tribal attire during his recent visit to Meghalaya has been shared on social media making a false comparison to a digitally morphed photo of a woman's dress. 

The image purportedly compares PM Modi's outfit to a dress available listed as for women on a website with a price tag of $35 (approximately Rs 2,893 in India) and is being peddled with a false claim that Modi wore a woman's dress.

BOOM found the comparison image is morphed. The original picture is taken from an e-commerce website, shows a different design and not what is worn by PM Modi.

PM Modi, on December 18, inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for various development projects in Meghalaya's Shillong during his visit to north-eastern part of the country. According to news reports, Modi donned a traditional Khasi attire for the occasion to connect with the local tribal sentiments majorly populated by Khasis in Shillong.

Trinamool Congress leader and former Indian cricketer Kirti Azad tweeted the viral image with a Hindi caption which translates to, "He is neither a male nor a female, he is only a priest of fashion."

(Original Text in Hindi: न नर है न ही है ये नारी, केवल है ये फैशन का पुजारी/)

Click here to view the post. 

Fact Check 

BOOM found that the picture of a woman's dress with a price tag of present $35 is photoshopped and is not same when compared to PM Modi's traditional Khasi outfit. 

A keyword search for "multi floral embroidered dress $35" led us to the e-commerce clothing website Shoreline Wear where the original clothing can be seen listed with a $35 price tag. 

We then compared it with the PM Modi's outfit and found the dress looks different to the tribal attire. The comparison can be seen below.

As per the details available on the website, Shoreline Wear is a New York-based company and supplies their products to the North-South America, Caribbean Islands and Mexico. 

On the other hand, PM Modi's address in Meghalaya wearing Khasi outfit can be seen on Narendra Modi's official YouTube channel. 

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