A video from Yemen showing a sea of crowd gathered to celebrate the birth of Prophet Mohammed is being shared with the false claim that it shows international protests against the anti Prophet remarks by Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal. The caption when translated from Hindi reads, "Today Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Bahrain, Afghanistan, all are together in the name of Huzoor for the sake of the name of their master, Muhammadur RasoolAllah .. And there is only one reason to be Mutahid “La ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasulullah”
BOOM found that the video is from Yemen and was recorded in November, 2019 when a large number of people gathered to celebrate Prophet Mohammed's birthday. We ran a search for a keyframe on the video and found several articles dating back to November 2019 which carried visuals from the same video. According to the news reports, the visuals were from the celebration of Prophet Mohammed's birthday held at Yemeni capital Sanaa. BOOM had fact-checked the same video in October, 2020 when it was being as Muslims gathering in France days after the beheading of a school teacher by an Islamist as a show of strength.