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Fact Check

Movie Clip Viral As BBC Journalist's 'Rare Footage' Of Savarkar

BOOM found that the video is part of a biographical film based on Vinayak Damodar Savarkar directed by Prem Vaidya.

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 30 Nov 2022 10:05 AM GMT


A short video clip taken from a biographical film based on Vinayak Damodar Savarkar has been revived misleadingly claiming that it was recorded by a BBC journalist and is a rare footage of the prison life of Savarkar. The Hindi caption with the video translates to, "Where do Gandhi, Nehru stand in front of these tortures..... A British journalist went to Andaman's jail and recorded the video footage of Savarkar. BBC also telecasted this rare footage on its channel. See this rare footage once in which Savarkar is imprisoned in a small cell." (Original Text in Hindi: गांधी, नेहरू इस यातनाओं के सामने कहां ठहरते हैं..... एक ब्रिटिश पत्रकार ने अंदमान के जेल मे जाकर सावरकर का व्हिडियो फुटेज लिया था। वह दुर्लभ फुटेज बीबीसी ने भी अपने चैनल पर दिखाया था। आप एक बार यह दुर्लभ फुटेज देखिए जिसमें एक छोटीसी कोठरी में सावरकर कैद है।) BOOM received the video on its WhatsApp tipline number (7700906588) for verification.


BOOM debunked the same video in 2021 when it went viral with a similar misleading claim. We had then performed a related keyword search to look for biographical films made on Savarkar and come across a video uploaded on the official channel of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting on August 14, 2014, containing same scenes as shown in the viral video. The video description mentioned it to be a 'film' which was made to show 'various important events' of Savarkar's life. The same visuals can be watched from 27:29 minutes to 29:46 minutes time mark. We also found that it is listed as a biographical film from 1983 made on Savarkar on the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting's website.