Swami Samarpanananda talks to Hindol Sengupta about why Hinduism and its core values need to be studied from the roots before we can dissect its heritage and its influence.
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Swami Samarpanananda is a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Mission. He is a best-selling author. In this interview Swami Samarpanananda talks about why Hinduism is so misunderstood, why its openness is wrongly perceived by some people as lack of coherence.
Swami Samarpanananda who trained as an engineer talks about the relevance of Hinduism's ideas in the 21st century and how those ideas could contribute to pushing progressive thought including pluralism and diversity.
He addresses the arguments between science and religion and how to bridge the two in the Anthropocene Age, and also how to understand the complexities of Hinduism in relation to other religions.