In the wake of recent terror attacks in Paris, U.S Ambassador to India Richard Verma admits that megacities are more vulnerable to terror attacks. At the megacity security conference held in Mumbai, U.S envoy shares the challenges megacities face in terms of security and how one needs to overcome it.
Addressing the Megacity Security Conference United States ambassador to India Richard Verma admitted that megacities are vulnerable to terror attacks. He said "While the confluence of government, industry, and finance creates a unique dynamism in cities, the concentration of critical infrastructure and mass transit systems also creates vulnerabilities"
Also noting that social media platforms are enabling radicalisation, U.S envoy said ''The return of foreign fighters from places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria also casts ominous shadows. More so than ever before, small groups and individuals have access to lethal and even military-grade technologies that give them the ability to attack a city's functioning.''
U.S Ambassador to India Richard Verma believes ''the larger the cities are growing, the government will feel more pressure to provide essential services such as clean water, transportation, police protection. If they fail to deliver, they run the risk of a popular unrest. We have already seen it happen. Water shortages at St Paul has led to massive protest some of them even violent. Similarly in China, tired of the haze and respiratory illness have protested government policies regarding air pollution.'
Richard Verma also stressed on the crucial challenges authorities will have to face in governing a megacity. He said "Governments, including civilian leadership, law enforcement, and the military, must work together not only within their own borders, but also with those cities facing similar issues and challenges. The best chance we have for governing in such a complex environment is to develop domestic and international networks that enable local governments and communities to share best practices and lessons learned."