A poem titled 'My Brother with a Bloodied Nose' is viral on social media with a false claim that it was written by the sister Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan
The poem titled, "My Brother with a Bloodied Nose" goes on to narrate the ordeal he had to go through after his jet crashed in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK).
IAF Commander Varthaman is set to be released today as announced by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on February 28 after he was captured when his MiG-21 jet was shot down by Pakistan Air Force planes.
The poem is viral on Facebook and Twitter with captions making a false claim that it was penned by sister Aditi.
The poem was also narrated live on NDTV by Vishnu Som at around 5.40 pm. Speaking live, Som too wrongly attributed the poem to "Wing Commander Abhinandan's sister"
My brother with a bloodied nose, And officer and gentleman. Landed across the Line of Control today. Ejecting after doing the best he can.
Adhiti (Wg. Cmdr. Abhinandan's sister)
The viral poem is written by Varun Ram Iyer on February 27, 2019 the same day the IAF pilot was captured. Iyer posted the poem on his Facebook account too.
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After the poem started going viral with many wrongly attributing it to sister Aditi, Iyer took to social media that he was the author of the poem circulating.
Source: Varun Ram Iyer / Facebook
BOOM reached out to Iyer who confirmed that he had written the poem as an ode to Wing Commander Abhinandan.