A fake Twitter account impersonating Akash Ambani, elder son of Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries Limited popped up on Twitter claiming to have joined the social media platform posting controversial tweets. A Reliance group spokesperson confirmed to BOOM that the account was fake and impersonating Akash Ambani.
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The fake Twitter account going by the handle @TheAakashAmbani tweeted on various news topics from the encounter of top Hizbul Mujahideen commander Riyaz Naikoo in Kashmir, to tweeting asking if Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had one ability to become the prime minister, and tweeting against those opposing Hindutva.
(Translation from Hindi: Hundreds of people pelted stones at security forces in Jammu and Kashmir's Avantipura after terrorist Riyaz Naiku was killed! But if you call them traitors, then they will play the Victim Card, call themselves innocent people and the same line "Everybody's blood contains this soil")
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(Translation from Hindi: People who oppose Hindutva after being born in Hinduism are like a prostitute sitting on the brothel, which means they have no relation to the religion, but business)
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BOOM was alerted on Twitter regarding this fake account inquiring if it was an official account. We scanned threw the replies on the tweets of this account and found that several people we falling for it.
We spotted that the fake account had spelt the name of Akash Ambani incorrectly as 'Aakash' and did not find any reports on Ambani joining the platform. BOOM also confirmed with a Reliance group spokesperson that it was an imposter account. "This is a fake account, Akash has not joined Twitter," said the Reliance spokesperson.
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We ran the account threw the Twitter analytics tool Foller.me and found that the account had joined Twitter on April 29, 2020, gaining 113 followers to date.
At the time of writing this article, the fake account changed it's Twitter bio removing 'Son of Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Group' and changing its name from English to Hindi script.
BOOM has previously debunked fake Twitter accounts that have popped up impersonating members of the Ambani family, a screenshot of a fake tweet on supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah by an imposter Nita Ambani Twitter account had gone viral in December 2019. Read More here
Also Read: 'Imposter': Abhijit Banerjee On Fake Twitter Account Made In His Name