Old Image Of Rajiv And Rahul Gandhi Revived With Misleading Claim
The photo was taken at funeral of freedom fighter Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan in 1988

"At Indira Gandhi’s funeral, Rahul Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi offering prayers in Islamic way, yet Indians call them Brahmins" Translated from Hindi - “इन्दिरा की लाश के सामने राहुल और राजीव गांधी कलमा पढ रहे हैं फिर भी हमारे देश के लोगों को लगता है कि ये लोग ब्राह्मण हैं। “
The photograph is not from Indira Gandhi's funeral, which was performed following Hindu rites. The photo was taken during the funeral of freedom fighter Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, in Peshwar on January 21, 1988. Old news reports from the New York Times and LA Times also mentions that Rajiv Gandhi attended the funeral along with a few members of his cabinet and family. BOOM was the first website to debunk the viral photo when it was shared with a misleading claim in February this year.