Megh Updates is a news dissemination account that operates on various social media platforms including X and Telegram. It has been active since March 2019 and aside from sharing political updates, the account has been known to frequently peddle false and misleading claims too.
In February 2024, BOOM debunked a video shared by Megh Updates that falsely claimed to show Muslim men removing their skull caps and wearing turbans to impersonate Sikh farmer amid the farmers’ protest. We found that the original video was from a turban tying camp organized before the funeral of deceased rapper Sidhu Moosewala and was unrelated to the farmers’ protest.
Another false post made by Megh Updates in November 2023, claiming to show a Gazan man faking his injuries was debunked by BOOM. We found that the man was being admitted to a hospital in Khan Younis and was not staging his injury. In fact, in the original video the man was telling his mother that he was going to be alright, in order to not worry her.
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