Pavel Durov is a Russian entrepreneur best known as the founder of VKontakte (VK) and the messaging app Telegram. Born on October 10, 1984, in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Durov created VK in 2006, which became the most popular social networking site in Russia. However, due to conflicts with the Russian government over data privacy and censorship, Durov left VK in 2014 and moved abroad.
After leaving VK, Durov focused on Telegram, a messaging app he co-founded with his brother Nikolai Durov. Launched in 2013, Telegram is known for its strong emphasis on privacy, security, and speed, featuring end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messages. Durov’s commitment to user privacy and resistance to government censorship has made Telegram popular among activists and users worldwide who value secure communication.
Often compared to Mark Zuckerberg for his impact on social media, Durov is also a vocal advocate for digital privacy and free speech. He continues to lead Telegram, which has grown significantly in global popularity, particularly in regions where privacy concerns are paramount.
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