On this day in 2016, PM Modi announced the immediate banning of Rs 500 and 1000 currency bills, terming it a bid to end corruption and black money.
Overnight, the cash in people's hand was rendered useless. ATMs started running dry with people waiting in long queues to get valid currency notes.
Even though the move was dubbed as PM Modi's 'masterstroke' for India's economy, citizens faced a lot of trouble owing to the abrupt ban.
The move initially was being dubbed as an attack on black money. However, later the government said it was to ensure tax compliance and formalisation of the economy.
Fake claims, peddled by journalists, went viral about the new Rs 2000 note that PM Modi had announced to roll out. One of them was the 'use of nano technology' in making of these notes.
Here is one such fake claim that went viral after demonetisation in 2016.