
Nepal Earthquake Photofeature Human Spirit

By - BOOM | 27 April 2016 3:33 PM IST

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After the Earth Quakes

Zishaan Akbar Latif


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A month after Nepal was shattered by two earthquakes, photographer Zishaan Akbar Latif is still coming to terms with the scale of the disaster. He shares his experience through images that make the tragedy palpable and the devastation and the loss deeply personal.



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Documenting the relief work being done by SOS Children’s Villages, an international NGO allowed me to hear people recount their experiences and articulate how they were feeling. Cutting through the pervasive grief and the all too obvious fragility were stories of courage and hope. People who were already used to a hard and difficult life were doing what humans are hardwired to do – having survived, they were getting on with living.



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62 year old Janki Lal Ghale’s house is a pile of rubble. He’s living in a makeshift tent. I met him at sundown when he had returned to rescue his chickens Ka, Kpa, Kbo and Kma.

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The End                                       The Journey                                       Picking Up The Pieces