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Old Video Of Boy Placing Stones On Rail Track Revived With Communal Claims

The viral video is from 2018 and shows a young boy playing with stones near the railway tracks near Kalaburagi, Karnataka.

By -  Archis Chowdhury |

8 Sep 2024 11:36 AM GMT


A video showing a young boy getting caught placing stones on railway tracks by an adult is being shared on social media claims insinuating that it is a recent incident of a Muslim boy trying to derail a train. View archives of the post here and here.


BOOM spoke to Wadi Railway Police under whose jurisdiction the incident occurred, who stated that the viral video is from 2018 and the young boy was playing with stones near the railway tracks near Kalaburagi.

"This is a video from 2018, the boy was caught by railway gangmen when he was playing on the tracks and placing rocks on it. There was no case filed," M. Pasha, Police Sub Inspector of Wadi Railway Station told BOOM.

We also reached out to Circle Inspector Ravi Kumar who also stated that the viral video is from 2018. "This is an old video from 2018, the children were playing and had placed stones on the track after which the track men caught them," Kumar told BOOM.