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Fast Check

Old Video of Terror Truck Attack in France Revived as Recent

BOOM found the visuals show the aftermath of an attack by a truck which ran over pedestrians in Nice, France during the Bastille Day celebrations in 2016.

By -  Srijanee Chakraborty |

26 Sept 2024 6:47 AM GMT


A graphic video of multiple mutilated bodies lying across a stretch of road is being recently shared on social media falsely claiming that the video shows the consequences of a Muslim party winning in French elections. The video is also overlaid with a voiceover in English that blames Muslim refugees for the massacre. A user in X shared the video with a Hindi caption that reads, "Muslim party wins French elections* *See* *How intruder Muslims are killing French citizens* If the people of India *Votes for pro-Muslim opposition parties* *Then the condition of Hindus will be same here too* *Think-what will happen if a Muslim party wins the election." See post here and archive here.


BOOM had previously debunked the video in 2023 when it was viral with a different communal claim. We ran a reverse image search on the keyframes of the viral video and found an X post with a French caption from July 25, 2016 displaying a screengrab from the viral video. We then ran a keyword search related to attck in France in 2016. The search led us to an Indian Express report carrying the same visuals which are from a truck attack in France's Nice. The July 18, 2016 report stated, "The Nice truck attacker staked out the seafront for two days before striking, it emerged on Sunday as investigators pieced together details of the IS-claimed massacre and questioned possible accomplices. A source close to the investigation told AFP that Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a 31-year-old Tunisian, sent a text message just before the attack in which he “expresses satisfaction at having obtained a 7.65mm pistol and discusses the supply of other weapons.” We also found a  A France24 English news bulletin from July 15, 2016 carrying visuals of the truck ramming into the crowd leaving multiple deadbodies in its wake in Nice, France. According to the bulletin the driver accelerated the vehicle and rammed into the crowd, running over scores of people and raising mass panic. On December 14, 2022, international news agency Reuters reported that a French court convicted seven men and one woman for their roles in the deadly 2016 truck attack in Nice.
