An old video showing a man standing near a polling kiosk and pressing the EVM machine for voters entering the booth has been tweeted with a Tamil caption claiming that the incident is from Gujarat. The caption reads, "Bharatiya Janata Party is voting in Gujarat. Victory in 150 seats is already confirmed". (Original text in Tamil: குஜராத்தில் பாரதிய ஜனதா கட்சியினர் வாக்களிக்கின்றனர்..150 இடங்கள் முன்னணியில் வெற்றி இப்பொழுதே உறுதி செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது).
BOOM had earlier fact checked the same video when it was viral with a claim in Gujarati that stated that the video is from Gujarat's Surat area. BOOM broke the video into its keyframes and ran a reverse image search on a few of them and found a TV9 Bangla News bulletin on YouTube from February 27, 2022. The Bangla headline of the video translates to, "WB Municipal Election 2022 | Not a voter but an agent voted in booth no.108 of ward no. 33 of South Dumdum". The news article stated that the incident took place at Lake View school in South Dumdum and the entire incident happened in front of the presiding officer present inside the polling booth.