Several videos claiming to show an Israeli police officer suffocating a Palestinian boy to death are going viral on Facebook. The caption in Hindi also claims that the teenager was killed for protesting at the US Embassy in Jerusalem, and that he recited Kalima-e-Shahadat, an Islamic prayer during his final moments. The full caption reads, "यरुशलम में अमेरिकी दूतावास पर विरोध प्रदर्शन के दौरान एक इजरायली पुलिसकर्मी ने शनिवार को एक फिलिस्तीनी बच्चे की गला दबाकर हत्या कर दी। मासूम लड़के ने मरने से पहले कलिमा ए शहादत भी पढ़ी। समूहों द्वारा इस वीडियो को Youtube पर अपलोड करने के कई प्रयासों के बावजूद, इसे Google, Facebook और YouTube से लगातार हटा दिया जाता है और हटा दिया जाता है। कृपया इस वीडियो को वायरल करें ताकि यह सभी मीडिया तक पहुंच सके।" This false claim is being revived predominantly when the clashes between Israel and Palestine make the news.
BOOM found that the video is from Sweden, not Jerusalem. A reverse image search of the keyframes led us to videos from 2015 when the incident first took place. Captions suggested that the video was from Sweden, and shows a security guard assaulting a nine-year-old boy for travelling in the train without a ticket. We also found news articles by The Local, a Sweden-based news outlet and by The Independent that have reported the incident. According to these reports, the security guard detained the boy and his 12-year-old friend for travelling without a ticket in Sweden. Ever since this incident, the video has been revived multiple times and used to share false claims related to the Israel-Palestine violence.