A video showing gold jewellery displayed on a table has resurfaced with false claims that it shows gold seized by Income Tax department from the house of a Muslim woman who worked at the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams during the YSR Congress's government in Andhra Pradesh. The post claims that the woman worked as a public relations officer. The video has been captioned as, "The jewelry seized by the Income Tax Department officials from the house of Muslim woman officer Mubina Nishka Begum worked at Thirupathy Dewasthanam during YSR CONGRESS Jagan Mohan Reddy She was the public relations officer at *Tirupati Devasthanam during his rule.* It’s the jewelry of devotees who worshipped and gave to Lord Vishnu. The ED also stepped in." (sic.)
BOOM had earlier fact-checked the video when it surfaced with a false claim in 2021. We reached out to Vellore's Additional Superintendent of Police (ADSP) KS Sundaramoorthy and Joint Superintendent of Police Albert John. The officers confirmed to BOOM that the video shows stolen jewellery from a Josalukkas showroom in Vellor. John further informed that the jewellery was recovered from a burial ground on December 21, 2021. According to an article published by The Hindu on December 21, 2021, the Vellore police arrested one TK Raman, 23, a resident of Kuchipalayam village near Pallikonda. The article also reported that 16 kg of gold and diamond jewellery, estimated at Rs 8 crore, was recovered from him.