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Fast Check

Picture Of Locked Grave Viral With False Necrophilia In Pakistan Claim

BOOM found that the photo of the grave is from Hyderabad, India, where it was locked to prevent grave robbing.

By - Srijit Das | 11 July 2024 11:55 AM GMT


An old photograph of a padlocked grave has resurfaced with a false claim that it shows Pakistani parents locking their daughter's grave to prevent her body from being victimised by necrophilia. BOOM had debunked the same picture in 2023 when it went with a similar false claim. The photo is now being shared with a caption, "In Pakistan, parents are now putting PADLOCKS on the graves of their dead daughters to prevent them from being dug up and raped. Western countries have to stop importing millions of men like this, who don’t possess the intellectual capacity to understand that rape is wrong." Click here to view the post and here for an archive. 


BOOM then found a post where a social media user stated that the grave is located in Hyderabad, India, but not Pakistan. We also noticed another reply to the post where a user named Syed Salman claimed that the grave is next to a mosque named Salaar-e-Mulk at Darab Jung Colony in Hyderabad. The same mosque along with grave and the green metal grill can be seen on Google Maps. BOOM then spoke to a local resident of Darab Jung Colony who identified the mosque seen in the photo as Masjid E Salar Mulk and visited the graveyard upon our request. He sent us pictures of the grave in Hyderabad along with the caretaker of the graveyard. The local resident said that people put the grill to prevent the graves of their family members from being reutilised by others for burial. Additionally, we spoke to the caretaker, who denied any reports of necrophilia at the graveyard.