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2022 Video Of EVMs Found Inside A Vehicle In UP Linked To 2024 Elections

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 18 May 2024 5:21 AM GMT

Claim: A video purporting to show Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) being transported in a vehicle is viral online claiming that it shows the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) engaging in EVM fraud during the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

Fact: BOOM, in its factcheck, found that the claims are false, the video dates back to 2022 and was taken during the Assembly Elections in Uttar Pradesh; it is unrelated to the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

Tools used: We heard the location 'Pahariya Mandi' mentioned in the viral video. A keyword search using this location led us to a report by Navbharat Times published in March 2022, carrying the viral video. Also, official statements from then Varanasi district magistrate and UP chief electoral officer confirmed that the EVMs were being transported for training purposes.

Read the full fact-check here.