Claim: Bharatiya Janata Party IT cell chief Amit Malviya shared a video claiming to show Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Avadh Ojha saying that former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia left the Patparganj seat because he is a 'coward' and failed to fulfill his promises. Avadh Ojha is AAP's candidate from Delhi's Patparganj for the 2025 assembly elections.
Fact: BOOM found that it's an altered video and in the original interview, Ojha made the remark about himself in response to the reporter's introduction. In the original NDTV India interview uploaded on 8 January 2025, when the reporter asked him about Sisodia's decision to leave the Patparganj seat, Ojha said: "He has not left the seat; he has given it to me. And since he was also associated with education and I also had to work further in the field of education, hence I requested and took this seat from him."
Tools used: We ran a search for the original NDTV India interview and found that parts of the video had been stitched together to form the viral video.
Read the full fact-check here.