Claim: The Bharatiya Janata Party's Delhi unit, along with other BJP members, shared an image showing a man on a motorbike riding over a damaged road filled with potholes, purporting to show the current state of Delhi roads.
Fact: BOOM found that it's an edited image. The original photo, which was taken on September 30, 2024, during Delhi Chief Minister Atishi's inspection of the road following sustained monsoon, did not contain the potholes seen in the viral image.
Tools used: BOOM cropped out the image shared by BJP Delhi, and did a reverse image search on Google Lens, which led us to a very similar image shared on stock photo website Getty Images on September 30, 2024. We did a comparison of the two images, which makes it aptly clear that the viral version shared by BJP Delhi had the extra potholes doctored into the photo.
Read the full fact-check here.