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Did Amit Shah Call PM Modi's Election Promises ‘Meaningless’?

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 28 May 2024 3:34 PM GMT

Claim: A video of Home Minister Amit Shah purportedly calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi's guarantees meaningless and saying that he forgets about them once the elections are over is viral online.

Fact: BOOM found that the claims are false and the original video has been cropped to make the false claim. In the longer version, Shah can be seen referring to the Congress while making the statement.

Tools used: We ran a reverse image search of some key frames from the viral video on Google and found the original interview shared by ANI on May 15, 2024. We watched the entire interview and found that Shah's statement has been cropped and shared out of context to claim that he made the remark in reference to PM Modi.

Read the full fact-check here.