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Did Farmers Vandalise Haryana CM Saini's Dais During 2024 Elections?

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 14 May 2024 3:11 PM GMT

Claim: A video of a group of people vandalising a stage has been circulating on social media claiming that it shows a recent protest by farmers against Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini amidst the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

Fact: BOOM, in its factcheck, found that the footage shows an incident from 2021, when a group of agitated farmers staged a violent protest against the then Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar in Karnal, opposing the Centre’s three farm laws.

Tools used: BOOM went through the replies of the X posts and found comments by several users mentioning that the incident is from an old farmers' protest. We ran a Hindi keyword search and found an X post from January 10, 2021, by ABP News Executive Editor Jagwinder Patial. In the post, a similar video was shared, stating that the farmers had demolished the pandal of the then Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar in Karnal. Also, several news outlets had reported about the incident. 

Read the full fact-check here.