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Did Kangana Ranaut Accept Her Defeat In 2024 Lok Sabha Elections?

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 13 May 2024 6:23 AM GMT

Claim: A video of actor and Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Kangana Ranaut is circulating claiming that it shows her accepting her defeat in the Lok Sabha elections as the crowd gathered only to see her and not vote for her. 

Fact: BOOM found that it's a cropped video and in the original video, Ranaut was addressing a remark made by Himachal Pradesh Congress president and incumbent MP from Mandi, Pratibha Singh regarding her.

Tools used: BOOM ran a Google search using keywords related to the video and found a news report published by Punjab Kesari on May 2, 2024. Taking a cue from this, we searched for more media reports that mentioned that BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut retorted Pratibha Singh for objectifying her in a public meeting held in Navidhar of Karsog.

Read the full fact-check here.