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Did TDP Supporters Burn Chandrababu Naidu’s Photo For Forming Government With BJP?

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 8 Jun 2024 6:26 AM GMT

Claim: A video showing Telugu Desam Party (TDP) supporters setting fire to a photo of N Chandrababu Naidu, the party leader, is viral online claiming that it shows the people of Andhra Pradesh protesting against Naidu for forming a government with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) following the Lok Sabha elections.

Fact: BOOM found that the video is from March 2024 and was taken before the Lok Sabha elections began. It shows TDP supporters vandalising the party office over strong dissatisfaction over the selection of candidates for the assembly elections, and has nothing to do with the party's potential alliance with the BJP.

Tools used: A reverse image search of some key frames from the viral video on Google led us to a Facebook post from March 29, 2024 that carried the viral video. The post was shared with a Telugu caption, "Fire in Guntakal TDP". Taking a cue from this caption, we ran a keyword search on Google and found multiple news reports about the incident.

Read the full fact-check here.