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Morphed Boarding Pass Used To Claim Rahul Gandhi Leaving For Thailand Post Polls

By - BOOM FACT Check Team | 3 Jun 2024 1:01 PM GMT

Claim: An image of a Vistara flight boarding pass has been shared online claiming that it shows the ticket of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi leaving the country on June 5, a day after the announcement of the 2024 Lok Sabha election results. The boarding pass shows Rahul Gandhi's name as the ticket holder and mentions a travel date of June 5, 2024, from India to Thailand's Bangkok.

Fact: BOOM found that the photo is digitally altered. 

Tools used: BOOM first observed the picture closely and noticed a significant discrepancy in the viral boarding pass. The flight number on the boarding pass is different in two places - it is mentioned as 'UK121' in one place, and in another it is listed as 'UK115'. Next, a reverse image search on the viral image led us to a 2019 article. We also spoke to Ajay Awtaney, who confirmed that the boarding pass belonged to him and he boarded the Vistara international flight from Delhi airport to Singapore in 2019.

Read the full fact-check here.