Claim: The Aam Aadmi Party posted a video on Instagram and X, showing a luxurious palace-like residence, claiming it is the the newly proposed residence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a part of the Central Vista project.
Fact: However, it's a false claim. Upon analysis by BOOM and its partners at the Deepfakes Analysis Unit, the video was found to be entirely AI-generated, and does not depict the actual proposed residence of the prime minister at Central Vista.
Tools used: BOOM found multiple discrepancies that indicated that it's an AI-generated video.
- Firstly, the opening shot of the video shows a fountain with highly unnatural flow of water and water ripples.
- Secondly, in one of the frames, the shoes appear to be unrealistically shiny. One of them is blending into the shoe rack with an unnatural and uneven toe shape.
- Third, the Deepfake Analysis Unit pointed out that a watermark of OpenAI's video generation tool Sora can be seen in one of the frames, which provides strong evidence of the video being generated by Sora.
Read the full fact-check here.